The sending of Prophet Muhammad (SAAWS)
Posted by: bb Catagory: General
The sending of
Prophet Muhammad (SAAWS):
Allaah said: { O
people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Our Messenger (Muhammad
SAAWS) has now come to you, explaining to you much of that which you used to
hide from the Scripture, and leave (i.e. leaving out without explaining)
much (of what you used to hide). Surely, there has come to you
from Allah a light and a clear Book (the Qur'an) <15> With it (the
Quraan), Allah guides all those who seek His Pleasure to the ways of peace,
and He brings them out of darkness, by His Will, into light, and guides them to
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The status of the people of the Book before Islaam – 3
Posted by: bb Catagory: General
The status of the
people of the Book before Islaam – 3:
2) Allaah said: { And
from those who call themselves Christians, We took their covenant, but they
have abandoned a good part of the Message that was sent to them. So We planted
amongst them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection, and Allah will
inform them of what they used to do }
Allaah said that,
just like He took the covenant from the Jews, He also took the covenant { from
those who call themselves Christians }, meaning: those who claimed to
follow Issa (SAAWS).
So what ... >> Read Full Article...
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The status of the people of the Book before Islaam – 2
Posted by: bb Catagory: General
The status of the
people of the Book before Islaam – 2:
So what did the
Children of Israel do with this covenant?
Allaah shows that
they transgressed; {So, because of their breach of their covenant },
they were punished by several punishments:
1- { We cursed them }, meaning:
kicked them out from the Mercy of Allaah.
This was their own choice; they willingly and knowingly transgressed.
2- { made their hearts become hard },
meaning: their hearts became
unresponsive to the verses and the reminders of Allaah. Verses that describe Paradise do not make
their hearts long to Paradise. Verses
that describe the ... >> Read Full Article...
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